All members must conduct themselves in a manner that does not impair the enjoyment and use of the Club by other members and their guests. Conduct that is considered not appropriate on the property of the Club such as bullying, profanities, excessive loud noise, lewd or suggestive behaviour will not be tolerated.
Members in violation of Rule 7.01 will receive a minimum of one (1) written warning. Further violations may result in suspension. The kind and severity of suspension will be determined by the severity of the violation. Such penalties will normally be determined by resolution of the Board of Directors in accordance with Bylaws A3.a-c and E5.
Acts of violence, theft, vandalism, defacement or behaviour that might reasonably by expected to cause property damage or cause injury to others will not be tolerated and are subject to immediate suspension.
The Executive Director may suspend a member’s playing privileges or membership immediately without warning, without refund of dues, assessments or initiation, if a violation is deemed egregious. Such a suspension will be followed by a written notice of suspension. The suspension will end at the next Board of Directors meeting, which the Board of Directors will adjudicate with reference to this rule and Bylaws A3.a-c and E5.
All members are considered personally responsible for their actions, as well as of their guests, while on the Club’s premises.
Suspensions may be renewed by the Board of Directors without further warnings.
The suspended member will be given the opportunity to view the allegations against him/her and will be permitted to respond to the Board of Directors.